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Sfera Business

Adriana González Gil

Adriana is a (neuro)marketing expert from Venezuela with experience as a researcher and professor of neuromarketing at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain and as head of neuromarketing research at Sfera Business in Bucharest.

She has participated in neuromarketing consulting projects for companies from industrial sectors such as fashion, food, cosmetics and 1st Bundesliga professional football, all of which are aimed at increasing sales in online and offline channels. She also has her own marketing agency in Spain with clients in Europe and the USA. Neuromarketing is always at the heart of her projects and she loves to implement it in design and digital communication as well.


Cassandra Andruszko

Cassandra is an entrepreneur and founder of the marketing agency Casmedia. She and her team advise and support companies in digital networking and communication on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

She has been gaining practical experience in social media management through national and international social media projects since 2015. She supplemented her knowledge with a master’s degree in market and advertising psychology with in-depth knowledge of neuromarketing. With the skills she acquired, she founded her social media agency “Casemdia” in 2019, with which she combines neuromarketing and social media management. She and her team advise and support companies in digital networking and communication on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. Together with the customer, they design the digital communication and the customer’s social media strategy and support them throughout the entire implementation process. Neuromarketing is always an important basis for this.

Braindriven Marketing

Christoph Schüning

As managing director of the neuromarketing agency Braindriven Marketing, Christoph is an expert in sensory marketing.

Christoph Schüning is the managing director of Cleverscent GmbH and Braindriven Marketing. As an industrial engineer, he came into contact with the topic of neuromarketing during a university research project, where he noticed above all how seldom companies use the potential of neurosciences in their corporate communications. After completing his studies, he focused on the topic and decided to found Cleverscent GmbH, a company that covers two particularly innovative areas. Cleverscent itself is a fragrance marketing agency with fragrance solutions for the point of sale and, in the near future, package fragrances and fragrance printing. With braindriven marketing, a brand was created that supports companies in implementing neuromarketing and focuses on the topic of neurotracking using artificial intelligence.

Cavas Visuals

Elia Cavas

Elia is the founder of Cavas Visuals. He helps with creative and scientifically based visuals Businesses to increase their sales online. When designing and creating the visuals he goes back to his 13 years of photography and Photoshop experience.

It has always been important to him not only to create beautiful pictures and graphics, but one to achieve measurable additional sales with high-quality images and infographics. His specialty is to draw the viewer’s attention to the visuals in a targeted manner. For more structured graphics, the info deliver to the customer in the correct order. “Finally know what your customers see want. Also in what order!” is his principle. He resorts to hacks and tricks neuromarketing and sales psychology, leaving the conversion rates behind customers increase.


Dr. Jonathan Mall

After completing his doctorate in neuropsychology, Jonathan worked in the field of big data and semantic marketing optimisation. He is a so-called “brain hacker” and is the founder of a marketing tech start-up (NEUROFLASH) supported by Microsoft Ventures

NEUROFLASH enables global brand positioning and marketing optimization to be combined and strengthened with artificial intelligence (AI). The company is focused on the area of neurological associations and copywriting. With the experience of over 7 years of using neuromarketing in practice, it was possible to develop a tool that makes the basics easy to use in copywriting using artificial intelligence. Learn from our speaker Jonathan Mall how neuromarketing and big data can help you break through your communication!

Braindriven marketing

Niklas Lefevre

Niklas ist Mitgründer und Marketingleiter von Braindriven-Marketing. Sein Umfangreiches Wissen im Bereich Neuromarketing wird er nutzen um allen Teilnehmern die besten Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche Woche zu bieten.

Neuromarketing war schon immer ein Interesse von ihm und er hat sich während seiner gesamten Karriere kontinuierlich darauf konzentriert, sich Wissen in dem Bereich anzueignen und es anzuwenden. Während und nach seinem Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften hat er in Marketingabteilungen verschiedener Unternehmen gearbeitet, dabei viel Praxiserfahrung gesammelt und seine Marketingkenntnisse vertieft.

Seit der Gründung von Braindriven-Marketing, das die Neuromarketing-Disziplin mit einem datengetriebenen Ansatz kombiniert, organisierte er mit seinem Team bereits mit großem Erfolg die Neuromarketing Conference 2020 & 2021 und die International Neuromarketing Days 2021. Niklas wird den Grundlagenkurs halten, da er sicherstellen möchte, dass jeder die wichtigsten Grundlagen des Neuromarketings erhält – Wissen, das sehr nützlich sein kann, um alle Präsentationen & Workshops auf der Neuromarketing Conference 2021 vollständig zu verstehen. Aber er wird seine Präsentationen auch mit praktischen Hacks und Beispielen ergänzen.
